$90 $75

Safely purifies air by killing 99.99% of airborne Coronavirus, bacteria and mould spores

SKU: 123456 Category:
General Details

Stop Coronavirus from spreading with the MAC500​

Coronavirus is airborne for longer than originally thought, making places where people gather risky for transmission of the virus. Air purification has therefore become as important as surface and hand sanitising to stop Coronavirus from spreading.

By reducing the airborne virus in a room we can reduce the chance of infection and reduce particles settling on surfaces.  We now have documented results from the Danish Institute of Technology proving the efficacy of the MAC500 to reduce airborne Coronavirus in a room by 99.99%. So, by placing these units around your work space you will provide continuous protection from the virus 24/7.

The MAC500 uses JIMCO technology which is based on photolytic oxidation. This is a natural and environmentally friendly process in which UVC light emits safe levels of ozone (0,05ppm) which is enough to break down viruses (including the Coronavirus) and other organic material including bacteria, yeast and mould spores in the air.

Creating a clean, fresh indoor climate with the MAC500 also eliminates the source of headaches, respiratory problems, fatigue, COPD and asthma, reducing absenteeism in the workplace.

In summary

  • Proven 99.99% reduction of SARS-CoV2 in an aerosol state (microdroplets in the air)
  • Effective reduction of bacteria, yeast and mould spores
  • Safe to use 24/7 in occupied spaces
  • Easy to use, no manpower required and no complicated installations
  • Significantly improves indoor air quality and reduces absenteeism
  • Environmentally friendly – uses no water, no chemicals, no filters and only 25w electricity
  • Tested and proven effective from a certified Danish laboratory

Some examples of application areas

  • Offices
  • Factories – canteens, change rooms, meeting rooms, etc.
  • Nursing homes and retirement homes
  • Classrooms and libraries
  • Doctor’s and dentists waiting rooms
  • Public toilets
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Hotels and B&Bs
  • Salons and stores
  • Bars, restaurants and fast food outlets
Technical Info

Technical data

# Table Header Table Header
1 UV Lamp 1 x 8W
2 Voltage 230V
3 Power Consumption 25w per machine
4 Treatment Area 1 unit per 60m3
5 Operating Lamp 8000 hours
6 Size 310mm(L) x 90mm(H) x 90mm(w)


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Coronavirus Efficacy

Sanitising the air we breathe

Coronavirus is airborne for longer than originally thought. Air purification is now as important as surface and hand sanitising to stop Coronavirus from spreading. The MAC500 uses a proven technology to sanitise the air in a room.

The Danish Technological Institute has tested the MAC500 for reducing airborne  Coronavirus and the result is a 99.99% reduction within 3 hours of turning on the unit.

Download or view the full test results here

Download or view the certificate here

What the experts say:

Lucia Anelich (Centre for Applied Food Sustainability and Biotechnology), in her review
article SARS-CoV-2 and Risk to Food Safety, says:

“The use of UV light is a well-known method for inactivating viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria and fungi, especially on surfaces. In particular, UV-C light, the shortest wavelength (100–280 nm), has been largely used in the food industry. ”

“Air disinfection could be considered in food-related environments and two practical methods include room air cleaners such as filters or UV light, as well as upper-room germicidal UV fixtures”

By placing these units around your work space you will provide continuous protection from the virus 24/7. Staff and customers can feel safe wherever they see this sticker:

Get in touch with us to make your work space safe again.


How does the MAC500 work?

Inside the MAC500 unit there are special frequency UV-C lights and, although UV-C is already known as an effective way to destroy microorganisms, our lamps also produce ozone.

The unit sucks in air from the room, passes it over the UV-C light, which does one part of the job, and then also changes the oxygen molecule O2 into an ozone molecule O3. The ozone is then blown out into the room with a fan that is inside the unit. The ozone then goes to work oxidising the other molecules in the room.

How does ozone kill bacteria and viruses?

The process is called photolytic oxidation. The ozone oxidises the cell walls of the microorganism which then ruptures destroying it. Ozone works this way on all cell walls not only bacteria and viruses and that’s what makes it so effective on the things that cause allergic reactions.

I’ve heard that ozone can be dangerous for humans, is that true?

Yes. Ozone can be dangerous at high levels, and if you use high voltage ozone. However, the manufacturing company JIMCO has been working in the development of ozone technology for over 25 years and they have found a way to manage this oxidizing agent. The MAC500 has been developed to mimic nature, it produces the same level of ozone you would experience stepping out into the sunlight at sea level.

This has been verified by independent laboratories (certificates are available).

Another thing to know is that ozone is not very stable so the ozone molecule (O3) wants to revert back to its original state which is oxygen (O2) which it does after only 15 minutes. Therefore, the by-product of ozone is oxygen, purified.

How can it help people?

Firstly if you are sharing a room with others the ozone will be continually cleaning the expelled air from the others that have been in the room or are currently in the room limiting the chance of you inhaling their germs.

Secondly if someone has a compromised lung capacity, like sufferers of COPD (chronic obstructive lung disorder) for example, they tend to suffer from low energy, headaches, etc. because their lungs are struggling to purify the oxygen needed by the body. The MAC500 pre-purifies the air thereby reducing the struggle so the lungs can now be more effective at pumping oxygen.

Where do you use it?

In rooms where people are affected by airborne allergies, people with asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD.

Anywhere where groups of people gather in enclosed spaces.

Offices, schools, libraries, change rooms, gym change rooms, doctors, hair, massage and beauty therapists, hotels.

Ozone is also very effecting in neutralizing odours and is very useful in nail bars, restaurant kitchens, smoking rooms, toilets.

Finally, we have had enormous success inside walk in fridges in the catering sector. We have had the units running inside these fridges and it has drastically reduced the amount of spoilage because bacteria and mold is constantly being destroyed.

Case Studies

Here are some references to the effectiveness of the Mac500 in real life scenarios:

An article about a patient with COPD – read here

A testimonial from a mom who’s son has chronic asthma – read here

A reference from Maersk Shipping Lines – read here


Ozone gets the thumbs up for neutralizing Coronavirus

As per the article we came across in Reuters TOKYO: “Japanese researchers said on Wednesday that low concentrations of ozone can neutralise coronavirus particles, potentially providing a way for hospitals to disinfect examination rooms and waiting areas.” Read the full article here. And we have just the machine for this – JIMCO’s MAC500 Air Purifier. […]

Disinfection, General Hygiene, UV-C & Ozone 0 Comment

Explore new technologies

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” (Albert Einstein). Thank you Annelich Consulting for this quote. Embracing new technologies was a message that came through from one of the giants in the food processing industry. Using ozone has long been accepted in the scientific community as a powerful anti-microbial agent. […]

General Hygiene, UV-C & Ozone 0 Comment
